Animation and model creating for 3D Production at the University of Notre Dame using Maya, Mudbox and photoshop.
The original sketch used to model my couch potato character in Maya and Mudbox
For my Final 3D Digital Production project, I sketched and modeled an original character using photoshop, Maya and mudbox
Box Animation using a rig set up in Maya.
My character design using Maya and Mudbox allowed me to explored a combination of anatomical parts, creating the model's figure from scratch, as well as explore organic shapes and tools on top of the surface.
I used Maya to model a more mechanical device to understand how the program can be used to control more sharp, controlled surfaces.
Using Illustrator for original character design and a combination of After Effects and Photoshop Animation to create the animation.
Using Illustrator for original character design. The premise of this animation, made using After Effects, is to illustrate the song Ain't No Mountain High by Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell.
This animation was created as an exercise to practice word animation using After Effects. Set over the audio of the 2013 Geico Commercial (