Hue-Go is a two-week project focused on fast concept generation, sketching, prototyping and user research. The idea behind Hue-Go is to use light to mix colors to teach children color theory. This laser-cut toy prototype uses an LED flashlight within the structure to shine through a series of transparent colored inserts to produce a different color through the antennas based on the combination of the slides. This project helped familiarize me with fast prototyping using the laser-cutter.
While volunteering at McKinley Prep Elementary School in South Bend, Indiana, I observed a second grade class learn primary and secondary color theory by mixing paints. The set up and clean up seemed to waste time and the materials used were thrown out after, which wasted money, especially for a low-income school.
The above sketches are made by second grade students from McKinley Primary Elementary school in South Bend. 1o of the 24 students were interested in Robots and 9 of the 24 mentioned wanting to teach things they learned at school.
Sketches exploring different types of robots.
Sketches focused on form study and development of the toy considering materials and the use of light.